Web Design in San Antonio

Vision is the strongest human sense, which means you’ll want a web design for your business in San Antonio that’s visually capable of grabbing and holding your visitor’s attention.

Whether you’re starting from scratch or have a tired-looking site that needs to be modernized, LaunchDM can help you take advantage of today’s growing trends in interactivity, rich media, mobile and more – from visually stunning Flash to 3D animation to digital signage. We have a proven track record of providing the creative front-end design and technical back-end programming required to create websites that are guaranteed to engage your audience.

Web Design in San Antonio

Since 1997, we have built a reputation as a leading digital agency in the most competitive online markets, including manufacturing, finance, health, real estate, food, sports, and more, with a client list that includes companies such as Sovereign Bank / Banco Santander (one of the largest banks in the world), U.S. Boiler, Sweet Street Desserts and Salesforce, to name a few.

Web Design Trends

If you’ve spent any amount of time on the Web lately, you’ve seen a lot of changes in website design, mostly focused on making sites easier to use and more interactive and entertaining. If you’ve seen some designs you like, you may be interested in how they might work for your business. Here are some pros and cons about some of the popular trends:

Responsive Design 

Thanks to the increase in mobile internet usage, it’s important to have a site that can adjust to the device and screen it’s being viewed on. More than 75% of all American adults (age 18+) who use the Internet now access digital content on both desktop and mobile devices, an increase from 68% a year ago.  While it’s more and more important to make your site responsive to users across all different platforms and devices now, many businesses haven’t done it yet.

But it’s not just about squishing the content down to fit smaller screens. It’s about transforming your website to get your message across effectively on that smaller screen. What works on a desktop may not work on mobile, even if you make it all fit. LaunchDM designs and builds fast responsive websites that are great for search engine optimization (SEO). 

Flat Design

Another result of browsing the Internet on mobile devices is flat design. It’s simple, visually appealing, has easily readable text and offers minimal distraction. It also boosts performance by reducing page weight and loading time.

Getting those fancy, unwieldy design elements out of the way can be a huge relief for mobile users. But flat design is unforgiving. If done poorly, it will confuse users and make it harder to find what’s most important on a page. Flat design can sometimes be too simple and minimalistic. And, if the trend falls out of favor, you may need a complete redesign of your company website sooner than you expected.

Infinite Scrolling 

Thank mobile users for this trend, too. Clicking links to move from one page to another can be annoying on touchscreen phones and tablets. The links can be hard to click, and most mobile users want things as fast as possible. Scrolling will always be easier and faster than clicking. This technique loads content continuously as you scroll down the page, eliminating the need to click from page to page.

It can be a huge disadvantage for visitors to your ecommerce site, however, if all of your products are presented on one never-ending page with no sorting or filtering options.  Users won’t usually be able to skip quickly through the site; they just have to scroll until they get to something that interests them. Continuous scrolling may cause them to do nothing at all and go elsewhere.

The LaunchDM web design team is experienced in all of the latest and greatest web technologies. We can help you decide if something is or is not a good fit for your San Antonio business.  Call us today to learn more!

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