The saying goes that a picture is worth a thousand words. In a very artistic sense, that still rings true, but it leaves out a lot of details that your target audience could benefit from knowing. Graphic design covers an enormous swathe of what makes your website compelling, but it’s only a part of the process if you don’t have the content to fill in the blanks. Collaborating with a graphic design company in Philadelphia is a great way to merge design and copywriting into a single form.
LaunchDM has seen the rise of some of the world’s best-known brands in the business. 20 years of experience has meant a lot of time analyzing how the digital landscape has developed, evolving and adapting to how the internet has changed. What has never changed, for hundreds of years before the internet was even science-fiction, is how copywriting and graphic design have functioned to deliver a product greater than the sum of its works.
Copywriting and Graphic Design: Two Halves of a Whole
Copy is content. Graphic design is how that content is delivered. There’s some overlap there, but nothing that warrants extensive collaboration. Seems simple enough.
Now, does that process seem right to you? It probably shouldn’t. The combination of copywriting and graphic design has always been a process entrenched in collaboration if you want a message delivered properly. It’s not as simple as cranking out a multi-paragraph article and then shipping it off to the graphic design department to arrange as necessary, nor is it fair for the graphic designer to box the copywriter in before the content work has even begun.
Let’s take a simple business card. An attractive card needs to be aesthetically appealing while simultaneously providing sufficient info about its owner in a compact manner. Without collaboration, the copywriter may include too much information that can be easily included on the card without it becoming dense. Likewise, the graphic designer may not provide the copy with enough dedicated, purposed space for it to be legible or easily referred to.
And that’s just one possibility in a massive nebula of potential clashes where graphic design and copywriters aren’t synched up with a project.
Collaboration Creates Better Solutions
Copy is, at its core, a form of marketing. Knowing how to incorporate relevant keywords, SEO content, and how to design your articles for the web makes a difference for your company by:
- Driving traffic to your site
- Improving your Google ranking
- Holding potential customer’s attention and interest
- Promoting brand trust and reputation
Graphic design is used to complement your copywriting content, and vice versa. Internet users have notoriously short attention spans, so if they’re greeted by a block of text, the chances of them doing more than skimming through it are slim. Inserting eye-catching graphics, often paired with textual highlights, helps focus customers.
Some of the best marketing is done through innovative designs incorporating major elements of both copywriting and graphic design. Audience’s appreciate ingenuity in delivery, design, and artistic rendering of concise concepts. Building a positive brand image like that is only possible when both visual and literary parties come together as a team and closely collaborate on projects.
LaunchDM provides premium services for delivering supportive marketing services for your copywriters and expert graphic design from experienced artists. We, as a graphic design company in Philadelphia, want to help create an integrated relationship between art and design to leave lasting impressions. If you’re interested in partnering with us, call us at (610) 898-1330 or visit our contact page to get in touch.