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We are extremely proud of the strategy and planning that occurred between the Wilson School District Administration and our team here at LaunchDM throughout the collaboration of this project. Together we architected an intuitive UI/UX and consolidated over 4,000 pages of content and 15 years worth of data with limited functionality. We migrated everything into a clean, user-friendly design through the use of the WordPress Multisite platform as a foundation. The site is now both teacher and community friendly and consists of 9 beautiful and functional websites within a single installation. These robust features allow for a fully responsive web design along with a clean, consistent, and optimized brand.


Wilson School District’s goal was to collaborate with a community partner that would serve as a true extension to their team, providing guidance and support for their creative vision.

  • Fully Responsive Design
  • Multi-Site Functionality
  • Maintain Critical SEO Equity
  • Migrate 15-Years Worth of Data Accurately
  • Create One Cohesive & Fluid Design
  • Teacher Friendly
  • Intuitive UI/UX
  • Implement Logical & Easy-to-use Search Feature


Sleek, stunning and expertly crafted, the District's 9-site platform is simple to navigate and allows users to easily find the school building and community information they need. Whether it's the lunch menu, a sports schedule, or your child's grades, residents can feel confident that everything is now at their fingertips, on a desktop computer or any mobile device.

The Wilson School District applauds our website partner, LaunchDM, for creating an easy to navigate, quality website that sets us apart in our industry. The support and expertise that LaunchDM provided to our team throughout the process of developing our new website was outstanding. We value LaunchDM as a trusted partner whose creativity, innovation and team-oriented philosophy enabled the Wilson School District to create an excellent on-line experience for our community.
Richard Faidley, Superintendent of the Wilson School District

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